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Asset tracking of vaccination and test assets requires a management tool that instills confidence that your assets are always accounted for. The mature and proven asset tracking module implemented as part of the Vaxtrac Suite from Salamander Technologies enables management of your asset database from anywhere. SalamanderLive™ is currently deployed in every state in the U.S.
The system ensures that assets are issued, turned-in, and consumed with Salamander’s interoperable INVENTORY APP. Assets are properly maintained and reported on from within the ASSET MANAGEMENT equipment database through SalamanderLive™.
Tools that provide situational awareness are not usually available for public health management but through the controls that come from the Salamander Platform authorities can have a real-time view of the dispensing of tests and vaccinations and better controls of the borders overlaid across a regional or national picture.
Currently used by over 28,000 Emergency Response organizations across America. This platform can be used for incident management or an ongoing picture of the current status.
Sharing data is critical to include all stakeholders our reporting is bespoke for each project but dashboards are easily constructed as needed. We take feeds from multiple sources and aggregate the information in digestible graphics and exportable reports to comply with the regulatory reporting that usually accompanies these types of projects.
The Allied Hypervigilant Mass notification and Two-way communication platform use patented technology to not only send emails but voice and text messages to targeted segments of a served population.
When used with the SalamanderLive Platform it enables customers to opt-in for emergency tracking. We provide gateway-to-mobile (Mobile Terminated–MT) services. We also supply mobile-to-gateway (text-in or Mobile Originated/MO services).
The platform also includes the ability to send Multi-Media messages (MMS) with maps or active links for interactions.
Our System was designed for today's world where unfortunately web connectivity is not always available. Or apps can store and forward data when connectivity is accessible and the user mode of MyVax has a cache option for remote reporting.
To lower costs, the system is designed with a SaaS model which makes implementation faster and easier when budgets are constrained.
By the intelligent use of the Certus blockchain, all platform participants can be assured of transparency and the validity of a healthcare transaction.
The Guardtime Certus Blockchain ensures transaction integrity as is a required path for the issuance of a Test or Vaccination and this data can be matched against the inventory controls from the Salamander module.
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